
I'm back. The last few days have been a blur. Like these pics taken with a camera that is not really a camera.

Days of too little time. I didn't have time to load Noche en Downtown into my walkman -which is also not really a walkman-... was an old fantasy of mine, to listen to that song while walking through The Village.

Days of cognitive disonance as well: Was friendship really friendship? An inmense and unknown city -supposedly cold and impersonal- received me warmly, while a well known friend gave me the cold shoulder. Cold and warmth, music and friendship, work and feelings, in a totally imperfect mix. A moment which "should" (a word I hate but use... nobody's perfect) have been one of the happiest, turned into a sad one. Somebody I considered a friend was able to look me in the eye and hurt me on purpose. It's dangerous to be around frightened people. I can deal with my own fears, but somebody couldn't deal with their own. Or perhaps what seemed friendship was just not. If it was, it's over. "Tarde o temprano iba a suceder". Something will never be the same again, which might not be such a bad thing after all, but it hurts. I am in peace, I did my best, and the most important thing turned out perfect: the music. All the rest of us is irrelevant.

I see myself in the before and after pics and it seems the first looks nicer.

Lo siento, en el mejor sentido de la frase.

No comments, really.

Ignacio Rodríguez de Rementería