Bio (en)

I was asked for a "bio" for a project, so I based this on the biography that Valentina wrote up for Fundación Datos Protegidos:

Ignacio Rodríguez de R.
Sound engineer, with some experience in mashups, team management, online content and real-time web strategy, as well as music production and cinematography.

Set up some of the first news websites and streaming broadcast events / systems in Chile for Radio El Conquistador and Canal 13, as part of Interaccess, a company that later became part of IFX Networks. Also, carried out the first online transmission of the Festival Internacional de Viña del Mar, with Interaccess and the Copesa / La Tercera media group.

Later, worked managing Copesa's web infrastructure, including La Tercera, La Cuarta, La Hora, Radio Zero, Qué Pasa magazine and others high-traffic websites. Also took part in publishing El Libro Negro de la Justicia Chilena on the web, making it available on the Internet despite having been censored.

Was one of the first Twitter users in Chile, known by the handle @micronauta (now known as @ignace.

Has taught automatic content management / participatory media aggregation / curation, taxonomy and SEO-oriented information architecture for undergraduates and graduates at the Arcos Institute and given related talks at Diego Portales University and other institutions.

Took part in Testigo en Línea, an collaborative OSINT project with Fundación Datos Protegidos and The UC Berkeley Human Rights Center Investigations Lab, which helped clarify human righs abuses in Chile during the 2019-2020 social uprising.

Currently works as a Globalsat Group consultant, advising on matters of mobile satellite communications for mission-critical institutions, essential services, infrastructure and media.

Disponible también en castellano.

Ignacio Rodríguez de Rementería